The Italian Experience was born out of the desire of its founder, Adele Binelli, to pay tribute to the wonderful cooking skills of her late mother, Giselda-Gissy. Adele, a language teacher with a PhD in Linguistics, is passionate about her Italian roots, and it was through her desire to share that passion with others that this concept was created.
Giselda was born in 1938 Italy at the beginning of World War II. Though never suffering of complete lack of food, Giselda was deprived of a proper diet as the limited provisions were rationed. The times were hard and Giselda had an early recollection - at 4 years of age - of part of her home being burned down by the enemy Forces.
Giselda was born in 1938 Italy at the beginning of World War II. Though never suffering of complete lack of food, Giselda was deprived of a proper diet as the limited provisions were rationed. The times were hard and Giselda had an early recollection - at 4 years of age - of part of her home being burned down by the enemy Forces.
Giselda was a quiet yet strong child who could cope with the adversities of the War. In spite of this adjustable personality, she would always carry with her, throughout her life, an almost ever impending necessity to have plenty of food stored in the pantry. She started cooking very early in her teens, not just for her but for her parents as well. Soon she became proficient in making delicious pasta and risotto dishes, her hands quick in making the beast shapes of gnocchi and so much more.
Giselda passed on this love for cooking to her only daughter, Adele. Every Friday Gissy and Lele (Adele) worked the perfect dough to make either pasta or pizza.
Cook in a simple way, no expensive utensils nor long ingredients lists. Backtrack to times past when cooking was a daily necessity and it was not complicated. And when cooking brought families together every day. There were no financial substances to afford anything more than the basics, yet Giselda was always an excellent cook, proving
Cook in a simple way, no expensive utensils nor long ingredients lists. Backtrack to times past when cooking was a daily necessity and it was not complicated. And when cooking brought families together every day. There were no financial substances to afford anything more than the basics, yet Giselda was always an excellent cook, proving that intricated cooking equipment and a big kitchen are not needed to make perfect meals. Each time she served lunch and dinner, made of fresh ingredients every day, Giselda said with a beautiful smile: “It’s because I cook with my heart.”
Giselda never used measuring cups.
Either in person or on Zoom we come together and we start lining out the ingredients as we sip some wine. When we start cooking it's when the Italian lesson begins, starting from the vocabulary and verbs used during any given event. It's all being filmed - you will later get not only the recipe of the dish prepared (both in Italian and in English), but also a video highlighting the crucial moments of the event so to go back to it if you forget anything.
We chop, we mix, we sip wine, we laugh, we use our hands and very few tools.
While keeping an eye on the stove we learn the very basics of the Italian language, i.e. the three main verb conjugations and the concept of gender and number in nouns, adjectives and adverbs.
L’insalata di riso e’ un piatto unico, un clasico delle ricette estive. E’ veloce e facile da preparare e si puo’ insaporire con gli ingredienti piu’ vari.
Per prima cosa mettete a bollire il riso nell’acqua salata e mentre bolle, preparate tutti gli ingredienti che desiderate aggiungere dopo a guarnire l’insalta di riso.
Fate bollire le uova sinche’ diventano semidure.
Tagliate i peperoni fini, fini, fate lo stesso con i fagiolini, tagliate le olive snocciolate a rondelle e preparate qualsiasi altra cosa di vostro gradimento (per empio il mais o i piselli).
Una volta che avrete pronti tutti gli ingredienti e quando il riso e’ cotto al dente, scolate il riso e passatelo sotto l’acqua fredda. Fate lo stesso con le uova sode prima di sgucciarle.
Aggiungete gli ingredienti al riso, il tonno (se volete), e condite con olio d’oliva e sale a piacimento.
Federico Fellini
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